FBC Creedmoor partners with Creedmoor Elementary and Hawley Middle to provide the Backpack Buddies program during the school year. Our kids (sometimes our youth and adults as well) pack these backpacks each week, and have enjoyed taking time to meet the physical needs of the students around us, while also making items that allow them to share the gospel with each bag. It has been a true blessing to see the excitement of our kids at FBC as they pack these bags to help those around them, and we are constantly reminded by students, families, and teachers at each school of the blessing each bag brings. Please continue to join us in praying for these backpacks and the students that receive them.
You can join us by donating monetary contributions or the following food items:
Cans of Ravioli, Spaghetti O’s
etc (Pop top is preferred)
Ramen Noodles
Easy Mac
Single Pack Oatmeal
Single Pack Snack Crackers
Pudding or Jello Cups
Fruit Snacks
Other items that are non perishable and able to be given in single
servings are acceptable
If you have questions or would like to contribute to this Backpack Buddies project please contact Nick Garner