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Belize Mission Trip

In Matthew 28:19 God’s word tells us to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. As Christians we are called to share the Gospel, the good news of Jesus, with those around us and with those around the world.” At FBC Creedmoor we strive to make God our Focus, and people our mission. As we follow God’s will through worship, prayer, discipleship, and obedience; we seek to reach Creedmoor and beyond with the Gospel. This summer we are going with Thirst Missions and seeking to share the Gospel with the nation of Belize by sending a team to partner with a church right outside of Belize City. 

The people of Belize have many needs, both physical and spiritual.  There are many children born to single mothers, poverty is everywhere, Christian materials are scarce, and the church needs help to reach out to show communities the love of Christ.  Our goal is to go with servant hearts, ready to show Christ through our actions as well as our words, while at the same time having open minds to get to know the Belizeans and learn about Belizean culture. While there We will be doing service projects, Vacation Bible School, outreach, sports ministry, and mercy ministry giving out supplies to those in need with the intentions of sharing the Gospel with everyone we meet. 

Support our Mission Team!

If you would like to support our team going to Belize, you can do so in any of the following ways. 

If you would like to support our team going to Belize, you can do so in any of the following ways. 

  1. PRAY: We would covet your prayers as we prepare and go to share the Gospel. Here are a few prayer topics:
    • Pray that God provides opportunities for us to reach people with the Gospel.Pray that God will prepare people’s heart to receive His word as we share it.Pray for the local pastor and Church we will be partnering with and their continued ministry to the people of Belize.Pray for our safety as we travel and serve there in Belize.
    • Pray that God provides everything we need to be able to go. 
  2. PURCHASE A T-SHIRT: we have shirts that our team will wear traveling to Belize and you can purchase a shirt for yourself and the proceeds will go to support our team and the ministry there in Belize. You can purchase your shirt HERE….
  3. GIVE FINANCIALLY: you can make a tax-deductible donation to support our team and the ministry in Belize HERE….
A local pastor and missionary.
Missionary delivering food to a local family.
Local children doing a Bible activity.